My subjects are required to address me as "Oh, most powerful keeper of fates past present and future" but as I prefer that you retain a pretense of equality, you may simply call me "Fate". A respectful dip of the head wouldn't hurt your chances with me either...
But seriously, I prefer Fate or my old internet name, Pixie. I used to go by Pixie Storyteller at several different sites, but I've given all of those up now in favor of real life and Petz.
I have been playing petz off and on for the last eleven or twelve years, ever since I convinced my dad that if he bought me this game, then I wouldn't want a real dog. That ended up being a lie and wishful thinking on my dad's part as I now not only have my petz game but also a twelve year old black lab named Candy. I have a cat as well and I claim part ownership of her son; their names are Bonnie and Racing Stripes respectively (my brother who technically owns him, named the boy).
I also have a host of petz which is where this website comes in. It is really the center website from which others connected to different worldz sprout out. Besides links to these and other websites, this is where you will find my normal petz crew, including my petzona, Fate.
So, feel free to peruse my universe and when you're done, check out the other awesome petz fan sites in the Linkz page.
I have been playing petz off and on for the last eleven or twelve years, ever since I convinced my dad that if he bought me this game, then I wouldn't want a real dog. That ended up being a lie and wishful thinking on my dad's part as I now not only have my petz game but also a twelve year old black lab named Candy. I have a cat as well and I claim part ownership of her son; their names are Bonnie and Racing Stripes respectively (my brother who technically owns him, named the boy).
I also have a host of petz which is where this website comes in. It is really the center website from which others connected to different worldz sprout out. Besides links to these and other websites, this is where you will find my normal petz crew, including my petzona, Fate.
So, feel free to peruse my universe and when you're done, check out the other awesome petz fan sites in the Linkz page.